Medical Errors overview

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  • Phone

    +966 0530373337

  • Type Look UP

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  • Website: No Website Join Event
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  • Email Activity Coordinator:
  • Phone Activity Coordinator: +966 556823799

Event Audience

  • All medical fields

Event Goals

  • comprehensively examine the epidemiology, classification, and impact of medical errors in healthcare systems, and to critically evaluate current frameworks for error analysis and prevention.
  • analyze the multifactorial etiology of prescription errors, assess evidence-based strategies for their prevention, and develop skills in implementing robust medication reconciliation processes.
  • investigate the prevalence and types of dispensing errors, evaluate technological and procedural interventions for error reduction, and explore the legal and ethical implications of medication dispensing practices.
  • define and categorize near miss events, examine their role as precursors to adverse events, and develop methodologies for capturing and analyzing near miss data to enhance patient safety.
  • critically appraise current literature on surgical errors, evaluate the efficacy of interventions such as surgical safety checklists, and design strategies for continuous quality improvement in surgical care.
  • synthesize current evidence on hospital fall prevention, assess the effectiveness of multifactorial fall prevention programs, and develop skills in implementing and evaluating fall reduction strategies.
  • analyze landmark cases in patient safety, evaluate the evolution of safety practices in healthcare, and formulate strategies for future improvements based on systems thinking and human factors engineering.
  • examine the impact of team dynamics on patient safety, evaluate models of interprofessional collaboration, and develop competencies in effective communication and teamwork across healthcare disciplines.
  • analyze the legal and ethical frameworks governing medical errors, evaluate the impact of disclosure practices on litigation outcomes, and develop strategies for balancing legal risk management with ethical patient care.
  • critically assess the role of team dynamics in error prevention, evaluate evidence-based tools for enhancing team performance, and develop skills in fostering a collaborative culture that prioritizes patient safety.
  • evaluate the components of effective incident reporting systems, analyze barriers to reporting, and develop strategies for creating a culture that encourages open communication about errors and near misses.
  • examine the risks associated with verbal medication orders, evaluate evidence-based practices for reducing errors in verbal communication, and develop skills in implementing standardized communication protocols in healthcare settings

Event Agenda